Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Martial Artists' BLOOD

I don’t know from where I have to start to write. I always believe that one Martial Artist must have engaged him in a social work to prove that the martial artists have kind heart. Normally, the peoples in the society thinks that one Martial Artist has the strong heart, I mean, they can’t be soft and can only fight, fight and fight. But, I believe that is totally different, Martial Artists has the strong body but very soft and kind heart. The father of modern Martial Art Gichin Funakoshi, himself had described in his many books that the martial art is the philosophy of life more than the art of self defense or attack.

Why I am writing all these? I believe, any style of martial art gives people the way of their life. That’s why the founder of Taekwon-Do General Choi Hong Hi, made the slogans, Taekwon-Do the way of Life. That means, the martial art philosophy is little different than the people normally think.

Establishment of ITF Taekwon-Do in Nepal was very difficult and tough work for the entire team of Nepal ITF. The present president of Nepal ITF Krishna Bahadur Balal did very hard work and still he is doing it. Before ITF Taekwon-Do lunched in Nepal, the Martial Art is known as the art of kicking and punching, but after , the definition is changed. And, to make ITF Taekwon-Do popular in Nepal, we all did the hard work and we focused our activities on the Social Work as well.

Nepal ITF organizes the Blood Donation program at least once a year. Most of the players, Instructors, supports and the committee members donate their blood. It really gives the great satisfaction. For the easy logic, More we donate the blood, the people who will use that blood of our donation, will have the ITF Taekwon-Do Blood. Ha ha ha, this is just the joking truth, but , donation blood means saving the life of others without any selfishness, so it is great and it really gives the very deeper satisfaction.

This year when I was in the blood donation program that we organized ourselves, one of the people come to the Blood bank and asked for the B+ blood. But, there was shortage, no more B+ blood on the bank. I was standing near by him and filling the form to donate blood . On the moment, he asked my blood group with telling his emergency need of B+ blood. But, I couldn’t help him at that moment as I am in AB+ Blood group. He was very nervous, I just told him not to worry and if there is God then He would definitely find the B+ Blood group. I told him that we had the blood donation program and any of our players might have the B+ blood group. He saw me surprisingly and just unbelievably asked me “Is it true that you all are Taekwon-Do people”. I said ‘Yes’.

One by one our player donated their blood and fortunately just one of them had the B+ blood group. Thanks God, that man smiled on me and took One Point of Blood and just smile and said to me “Thank you my friend, I never believe that Taekwon-Do people may have such a beautiful heart. I assure, I will motivated my son to start your Taekwon-Do Art.”

I always miss him.

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